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Grants and Contracts

The following grants and contracts were received through Kimball’s work at Missouri S&T. This is a partial list. The first individual is always the PI; other names are in no particular order. Subrecipients are not noted, but information is available upon request.

P. Shamsi, J. Kimball, and M. Ferdowsi, “Graduate Certificate Program in Standards and Safety in Electrical and Computer Engineering,” NIST, $149,999, Sep. 2023.
J. W. Kimball, “DC Fast Charging Technology Landscape and Gaps,” EPRI, Subaward of 00084193 for $80,901, Jun. 2023.
J. W. Kimball, “Storage Integrated AC-AC Converters,” Sandia National Laboratories, PO #2488667 for $70,406, May 2023.
F. Li, R. Bo, and J. W. Kimball, “Model-Free Adaptive Control (MFAC) for Autonomous and Resilient Operation of Military Microgrids,” ESTCP for $583,075 to S&T, Aug. 2020.
J. W. Kimball, M. Ferdowsi, P. Shamsi, R. Bo, J. Park, and R. G. Landers, “Enabling Extreme Fast Charging with Energy Storage,” Department of Energy, DE-EE0008449 for $2.9M, Oct. 2018.
B. McMillin, J. W. Kimball, R. Bo, J. Leopold, and A. Mathur, “CPS: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative Research: Trusted CPS from Untrusted Components,” National Science Foundation, Award 1837472 for $962,695, Oct. 2018.
J. Park, J. W. Kimball, and R. G. Landers, “Optimal Energy Scheduling in Microgrids with Photovoltaic (PV) Generation and Energy Storage Systems,” National Science Foundation, Award 1610396 for $323,301, Sep. 2016.
H. Pernicka, J. Rovey, K. DeMars, and J. W. Kimball, “Use of Multi-Mode Propulsion to Expand CubeSat Mission Capabilities,” NASA Goddard, Award NNX16AI85A for $199,911, May 2016.
J. Rovey, H. Pernicka, K. DeMars, and J. W. Kimball, “Multi-Mode MicroPropulsion CubeSat Technology Demonstration Mission,” Utah State University Research Foundation, $113,400, Dec. 2015.
J. W. Kimball and B. McMillin, “Collaborative Research:Breakthrough:Secure Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems,” National Science Foundation, Award 1505610 for $333,298, Jul. 2015.
J. W. Kimball, “Analysis of Practical Microgrid Stability in the Presence of Random Events,” National Science Foundation, Award 1406156 for $307,057, Aug. 2014.